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From Insights to Illumination
What is the best method to tap into creative consumers’ potential to generate innovative ideas? One possibility is our online community IN|SPIARY; it combines their creative ...
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Off to the Dark Side of the Iceberg
You probably know the common iceberg analogy: We are only aware of the tip above water, while the rest remains underneath the surface. The same is true for human ...
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Qual and Co-Creation – An inspiring Combination
Qualitative market research and co-creation complement each other perfectly; they are, however, completely different disciplines that each require very distinctive skills. When ...
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Business Development with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a method to promote innovation. Building with your hands not only promotes creativity and a change of ...
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Deep Insights
Successful innovations are not just simply lucky shots. They require hard work and the right kind of inspiration. But how does one find the idea that does not flop after its commercial launch? Online communities ...
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CX Monitoring: How satisfied are you with your health insurance?
Customer experience and customer loyalty play an important role in the highly competitive health insurance industry. How does one dependably ...
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Experiencing Creativity First Hand
Which methods may provide us with even deeper insights into our target groups? There’s a solution: creativity. Under the motto “Experiencing creativity first hand”, Produkt + Markt ...
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What kind of driver are you?
According to statistics of the German Federal Environment Agency, more than 80% of German households have at least one car at their disposal. Our daily life without a car ...
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P+M in Brief
With 140 employees and its own telephone studio, Produkt + Markt is one of the largest owner-managed full-service market research institutes in Germany. As an institute with a clear international focus, ...
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