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Articles for "VAL|LERY"

PIC|MOTION – Measuring emotions quickly and validly
Emotions are omnipresent and control our actions and thus also our buying behaviour. However, target groups are often unaware of the ...
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Anyone who wants to convince a group of people needs to know what really moves them. But how can you reach the inner mind of your customers? How do you uncover thoughts and feelings that can be ...
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It doesn’t always have to be face-to-face
Qualitative and hybrid methods of online research make it possible to dive deep into the world of users any time, any place. From the large number of tools at our disposal, we ...
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CX: Successful management of emotions
Positive customer experiences and respectively resulting emotional bonds facilitate sustainable business relationships. A central variable in the customer’s experience ...
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Successful segmentation with pictures
Don’t say it with flowers, say it with pictures. Even market research effectively takes advantage of the fact that a picture is worth a thousand words. Based on a study dealing with ...
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How does your brand taste?
Do you know what your brand tastes like? Most interviewees find it difficult to put associations and images from their minds into words. In collaboration with Prof. Ulrich Enneking and ...
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Clear, yet ambiguous - Pictures in Brand Research
In brand research, pictures present a clear benefit since they can be used to measure motives, attitudes, and emotions implicitly. The catch: ...
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