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Articles for "Online Communities"
Innovations aren’t a matter of luck; they require a lot of work and proper inspiration. Even today, 70% of all innovations still flop. So if you are looking for new ideas, inspiration, and innovation, you should not ...
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It doesn’t always have to be face-to-face
Qualitative and hybrid methods of online research make it possible to dive deep into the world of users any time, any place. From the large number of tools at our disposal, we ...
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Work in partnership - How MROC and Design Thinking can collaborate
MROC’S are unbeatable when it comes to agility in innovation processes such as Design Thinking! Even so, they are still all too rarely found in Design ...
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Patient Centricity: Closer to the patient with IN|SPIARY
How do patients master everyday life with their ailments? How are they doing with their treatment? What things are going well, and where are they facing ...
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Online communities: optimising touch points and customer journeys
Every contact with a brand can be a moment of truth. In order to make the customer experience and customer journey as pleasant as possible, it ...
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From Insights to Illumination
What is the best method to tap into creative consumers’ potential to generate innovative ideas? One possibility is our online community IN|SPIARY; it combines their creative ...
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Deep Insights
Successful innovations are not just simply lucky shots. They require hard work and the right kind of inspiration. But how does one find the idea that does not flop after its commercial launch? Online communities ...
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