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Articles for "Pricing"

Value-based pricing can be much more than a pure pricing strategy
Value-based Pricing. Was genau steckt eigentlich hinter diesem Ansatz? Und wie lassen sich mithilfe dessen Wettbewerbsvorteile identifizieren? ...
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The ideal pricing strategy for your medication
When it comes to high-cost prescription drugs, having an optimal pricing strategy at market entry is a key success factor. But how do you find the right price for your product? ...
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The optimal price in a globally interconnected market
One product, several countries, competing prices. In this international context, how can one find the optimal price for a globally interconnected market? The tool ...
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Multilateral Pricing
Ever since the launch of the Euro, isolated markets have been a thing of the past. Therefore companies are forced to develop a common pricing policy for all of their sales markets in order ...
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