Plant protection with digital solutions: Status quo and potentials

Technology in the field of crop protection is making more and more things possible. In particular, site-specific application offers enormous potential. For this reason, we have recorded the status quo of technology for a client, but also the willingness of farms to invest and the wishes of companies with regard to digitalisation in the area of crop protection.
The measurement was carried out in the form of a mixed-method approach via CATI and CAWI. In this way, representative decision-makers in different agricultural businesses were surveyed. In particular, the drivers and barriers with regard to the digitalised application of crop protection products were to be determined.
The data obtained enabled a better assessment of future investments in digital crop protection and allowed concrete recommendations for action. The bottom line: The creation of suitable framework conditions and especially targeted investment support can make an important contribution to minimising the use of chemicals in agriculture - without losses in yield and quality.