CX optimisation in the commercial vehicle spare parts segment

Spare parts as part of a customer experience? Why not! For a spare parts dealer in the commercial vehicle sector, we took a close look at the customer journey when buying spare parts and examined how customer experiences can strengthen existing customer relationships and generate growth. For this purpose, the purchasing and delivery experience of various test persons was examined in detail.
The measurement was carried out in the form of a mixed-method approach, in which customer feedback was systematically collected via CATI and CAWI. For this purpose, the relevant experience dimensions were identified and explored in advance in a qualitative preliminary study.
In addition to insights into the company's own performance from the customer's point of view, benchmarks also provided valuable information on the state of customer experience in the corresponding segment. This provided interesting insights into the customer experience in comparison to other parts retailers. Based on the results, relevant fields of action could be identified and prioritised.