POWER|FARMERs give insight into their current crop protection strategy
Results from our farmers panel

How do German farmers deal with the challenges of crop protection? Produkt + Markt conducted a survey among n = 252 farmers in the POWER|FARMER Panel in July 2022. The topic was: Crop protection to secure yields in arable farming – and farmers' current strategies.

The main result: The strategies for securing yields are diverse, whereas agricultural measures are the focus

The prompted question on options for action shows a clear focus on agricultural measures (25%) and the choice of robust/disease-resistant varieties (17%), i.e. elements that can support and possibly minimize the use of chemical crop protection products. These elements also include the somewhat less important mechanical weed control measures (8%).
In the question of generics (11%) vs. branded products (10%), both product groups have their justification. Both logics, the cost argument and the quality argument, are equally effective.
Advice from colleagues, dealers or consultants also have their place in the options for action.
For 7% of farmers, site specific treatment with crop protection products is at the top of the list of strategies for securing yields. Using fewer crop protection products in general and accepting higher weed or disease and pest infestation in return is an acceptable strategy for only 6% of farmers.