POWER|FARMERs demand safeguarding of their farms
Results from our farmers panel

What do German farmers expect from agricultural policy? In September 2022 Produkt + Markt conducted a survey with n=211 farmers in the POWER|FARMER Panel. The topic: German agricultural policy - What should be its primary objective?

“Main result: The continued existence of farms is priority”

When asked about the most important agricultural policy objective, farmers stated clearly, that the most important thing is to secure the future of farms (54%). This is followed at some distance by more concrete aspects of how agricultural policy should support farmers, namely by strengthening their market power (14%), their income and their international competitiveness (both 13%).
In contrast, the improvement of working conditions (3%), environmental friendliness (3%) and livestock friendliness (0%) should not be a priority in the current situation, from the farmers' point of view.