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How you benefit from Natural Language Processing with QUA|LYTIS

Speech contacts with your target group are an almost inexhaustible source of customer wishes, opinions, attitudes, feedback and insights. Until now, however, customer voices could only be evaluated and used selectively and with great effort. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is changing the way language-based information can be processed and made usable.

With QUA|LYTIS you are already in a position to use the advantages of Natural Language Processing!

Marking and documenting exciting statements already during the conversation. Simply by pressing a button. No need to take notes.

Automatically transcribe audio data, e.g. from feedback interviews, group discussions or telephone conversations with customers, in a matter of minutes. Classify and structure original statements from your target groups quickly and soundly. So you don't lose any time and don't miss any insights. 

Listen to the important passages again or read what was interesting without having to search for a long time.

Avoid biases and hasty conclusions in the team. After each interview, discuss facts based on the original statements of the target group. So go straight into implementation and use the expertise of our research professionals, design thinking facilitators and agile coaches.

Speech-to-text: It's the wording that counts!

The starting point of every scientific qualitative content analysis is the transcript. In the transcript, the spoken word of the interviewees and interviewers is transcribed true to the original without summaries or interpretations. This is because it is important to look closely, to read every sentence and between the lines, in order to adopt a objective perspective as possible. With the help of transcripts, the full potential of voice recordings can be realised.

Creating transcripts is time-consuming ... very time-consuming. In practice, therefore, it is not uncommon to use transcripts or notes as a basis for evaluation. In contrast to the transcript, data is already summarised in the transcript or notes, paraphrased (i.e. documented in spirit and not word-for-word) and recorded or omitted according to their supposed relevance. This saves time and costs. Disadvantage: The more compressed and selective the data collection, the more distortions of perception and interpretation come into play.

When recording open-ended mentions in telephone interviews or other call centre interactions, often only summarised statements or a few randomly selected customer voices are recorded. The data sets generated in this way are therefore usually incomplete and mostly paraphrased.
QUA|LYTIS improves qualitative data analysis by transcribing extensive speech data within minutes. And it can do even more: with the help of learning analysis models, it supports you in diving deeper into your data and decoding motives, attitudes, drivers and barriers.


With QUA|LYTIS you use the full potential of your target group's voices.

Triad of research, implementation and intelligence

Technology alone does not make organisations more customer-centric or successful. Fortunately, it takes people to develop solutions, make decisions, inspire and ensure implementation.

 QUA|LYTIS offers more than technology and artificial intelligence.
  • You benefit from our pre-trained analysis models, which we adapt and train according to your requirements.
  • You can really rely on the data. This is ensured by our research professionals, who accompany you in the planning and implementation of your market research studies.
  • Our researchers are trained and experienced in identifying patterns and golden nuggets in unstructured data that lie outside or below the AI models.

Take advantage of the experience of our certified Agile Coaches and Design Thinking Facilitators. Whether permanent or on demand. Our research professionals support you in developing customer-centric strategies and fascinating innovations from customer voices.


Speed up and dig deeper! How market researchers benefit from AI!

In this VIDEO, Dr Jessica Schomberg brings the benefits of Natural Language Processing and QUA|LYTIS to life for you. Join her on the journey along our Innovation Journey.
The video is in german.


Contact us now and find out how you too can benefit from QUA|LYTIS.