Germans carefree on the WWW
Perception of data security in international comparison

Almost half of the world's population (48%) is concerned about data security on the Internet, a percentage that has risen three points compared to last year (45%). But not so in Germany! There, the value is 19 percentage points lower. Because only 29 % of Germans expressed concern about the digital disclosure of their personal data (top 3 boxes on a scale of 10) in October 2021. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to a decrease of one percentage point and the result brings up the rear in an international comparison - after Lebanon (31 %) and the Palestinian Territories (30 %).
This is just one result from the WIN World Survey (WWS 2021), which annually examines the views and beliefs of citizens from over 30 countries around the world. For the current study, 33,236 people in 39 countries were interviewed. More detailed and additional results can be found in the official press release at
WIN International is the world's leading association of market and opinion research institutes. As the exclusive German WIN member, Produkt + Markt conducted the study in Germany in October 2021.