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Get started now with the Agile Research Mastery

Agile market research is fast and adaptable. It focuses on the essentials and thus wastes neither time nor resources. Agile research ensures that all decisions are made on the premise: "What's in it for the client and what's in it for our project goal?"  Briefly:

"Agile research creates the basis for successful solutions that users desperately want."

But how reliable is the data that the agile teams collect? Can deep insights even be gained in a sprint? And how impartially do agile teams deal with feedback when their ideas are critically assessed by users?


"Agile projects can also get bogged down and lead to solutions that are anything but user-centred. Misinterpretations, biases and methodological shortcomings in user research can slow teams down."


Want to learn more? Then use the contact form to make an appointment.
Are you interested in our web seminar from the Market Research Week 2022 | "Agile Market Research - How to get more out of your new role?" Then send us an email to marketing@produktundmarkt.de and we will send you the recording!

Why you should start the Agile Research Mastery now

The Agile Research Mastery enables you to combine the advantages of sound market research and agile project management. The highlight: The Agile Research Mastery is aimed at researchers as well as agile coaches and team members in your organisation. You learn and experience agile research together from different perspectives and through mutual inspiration. Depending on your experience background, you can determine the focus of the training for the participants yourself.


The contents

Basic module - Agile work and research

Agile working - Being Agile & Doing Agile

Here you will experience how agile thinking and agile principles work and how you can benefit from them in your projects. Doing Agile deals with the methods and tools of agile project management. You will get to know this and/or learn how you can align existing methods and tools in your organisation in a more profitable and customer-centric way.

Agility in research - people, tools and techniques

In this chapter, we look at the roles, tasks and competence requirements related to market research in agile projects. Furthermore, you will experience tried and tested and experimental approaches to agile research. We will introduce you to solutions from different providers and discuss the possibilities and limitations of tools and techniques in different project phases.

Empathy and Insights

Agile teams - or rather whole organisations - need to build and maintain empathy for their target groups. It needs emotional closeness but also scientific distance to be able to classify and use the experiences in the sense of the project. In this module you will learn how to recognise valuable insights and create empathy for the users. 

Advanced and preparatory modules

Relevant basics of market research

This module is aimed at participants who have little experience in market research or who want to refresh their basic knowledge. In this module we teach in a practical way what is important in research in order to obtain reliable and meaningful insights into target groups. We define the main topics specifically according to your wishes. They range from the recruitment of test persons and the basics of questionnaire creation to data analysis and presentation.

Relevant basics of agile project management

We have designed this module for participants who have little experience in agile projects or who want to refresh their knowledge. Here you can get to know agile tools and techniques from scratch and try them out. You will learn what SCRUM, Design Thinking, Creative Problem Solving or Leans Startup are all about and for which problems these methods are best suited.

Web seminars and impulse lectures

Before, during and also after the basic and advanced modules, the Agile Research Mastery continues for you. Immediately after registering, you can take part in our regular web seminars and impulse lectures. Here you will find inspiration, insights, tips and valuable information on the topic of Agile Research. Here is a small selection of the topics:
  • Systematically building empathy - How to create more closeness to users
  • Result templates - Evaluate faster and get more done
  • Wicked Problems - How to deal with tricky problems
  • When story telling gets on your nerves - How to fascinate with facts
  • Speed up and dig deeper! How market researchers benefit from AI
  • The Why 2.0 thing - Why you should avoid the why to understand the why
  • Better in a team - 5 biases and harmful group dynamics agile teams need to be aware of


The format

  • 4-day in-house training for up to 15 participants, hybrid format (face-to-face workshops and virtual events).
  • Interactive format - small group work and presentations alternate
  • Agile Research knowledge platform with all training materials, explanatory videos and templates
  • Bonus: 5 virtual individual or group coaching sessions in one or more of your agile research project

Your coaches

About Bianca Prommer

"A one size fits it all concept does not exist and does not work. And because this is so important to us, the Mastery includes live coaching sessions to support implementation and sustainable anchoring in the company, in addition to the trainings and an online platform with tools, templates and videos."             

Bianca Prommer, Innovation Enabler and Agile Coach at GrowFact, combines her experience as an intrapreneur in the automotive industry and as a coach and mentor for start-ups. She therefore knows the critical success factors of both - the continuity and operational excellence of traditional companies and the agility and creativity of young companies. With diverse methods and approaches, Bianca enables innovation and agility in teams and organization. 


About Heiner Junker

"Market research in an agile context is: integrated instead of exposed, empathy instead of just insight, pragmatic instead of dogmatic, talking more with than about users, iterative instead of planned through." 

Heiner Junker (Product + Market) has integrated methods and techniques for creative idea development into the research from the very beginning in order to extract the creative impulses of the consumers in addition to the insights. As a coach and facilitator, he has enormous experience along the innovation roadmap. Heiner is also a sparring partner for managers and for people in change processes. With research-based meticulousness, professional preparation and his unconventionally creative facilitation, he navigates people, teams and organisations to peak performance.
